More than a dozen states have passed or are considering passing so-called e-registry laws. The Center has published a commentary post and hosted a panel discussion discussing these laws in more depth but, briefly, they set up state-run directories that contain a list of e-cigarettes that can legally be sold in the state. To make it onto the state registry, a manufacturer must certify that they have submitted a premarket tobacco product application to the FDA and that the product has either been authorized by the FDA or that it remains under FDA review.*
Below is a map showing every state that either has adopted an e-registry law or that has introduced one. Click on a state to see links that will take you to that state’s e-registry law or the bill that proposed it. If you have information about new developments for e-registry laws, please contact the center at
*One state, Maryland, is considering an e-registry bill that limits permissible products to only those that have been authorized by the FDA.
To review the settlement agreements in any given state, select a state on the map below.
Red = Has already passed an e-registry bill
Gold = Is considering an e-registry bill
Blue = Is considering a public-health-oriented e-registry bill
Gray = Does not have an e-registry bill in progress