Webinar Slides
Minnesota has always played a cutting edge role in commercial tobacco policy from being the first state to enact a clean indoor air law to the monumental litigation against the tobacco industry and the many legal and policy successes that have shaped the movement locally and nationally. Four long-time advocates for health will take us on a walk down memory lane to review and reminisce about the challenges, victories, key players, and diabolical strategies pursued by the tobacco industry.
The idea for this 90-minute webinar came to fruition as we say farewell to Doug Blanke as he retires on June 30th after a long career dedicated to championing health and justice. The legacy of leadership of these four panelists (with combined experience of over 100 years fighting the tobacco industry!) and many others in the movement has created a healthier Minnesota and nation.
Jeanne Weigum, Executive Director of Association for Nonsmokers—Minnesota (ANSR MN)
Pat McKone, Senior Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, American Lung Association in Minnesota
Christina Thill, State Policy Planner at Minnesota Department of Health
Doug Blanke, Executive Director of Public Health Law Center
Rachel Callanan, Lead Senior Staff Attorney for Minnesota Technical Assistance, Public Health Law Center