Over the last 25 years, both the U.S. and Canada have seen a large increase in smoke- and tobacco-free environments, including public places, workplaces, multi-unit apartment buildings and affordable housing. State and local tobacco control laws often exempt residential care settings, including assisted living, adult foster care, nursing homes and similar environments, where many of the most vulnerable members of society live and where a disproportionate number of residents (and staff) either use tobacco products or are exposed to secondhand smoke. This webinar discusses the public health rationale for reducing tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure in assisted living and long-term care settings. Presenters describe the current tobacco control landscape in these environments and several regulatory options to address tobacco use in this population.

This webinar has already occurred. Please use the resources below:

Webinar Slides [PDF]

Webinar Recording:

Pat McKone, Director, Tobacco Control Programs & Policy, American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest
Jessica Kulak, Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Healthcare Studies, College of Brockport (SUNY)
Jenn Beideman, Policy and Research Associate, Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency

Kerry Cork, Staff Attorney, Tobacco Control Legal Consortium at the Public Health Law Center


For current information, visit our Housing for Special Populations page.